Friday, July 16, 2010

Thinking of holidaying on a remote island? Think again.

Sun, sea, sand, serenity... Yeah life on a remote island, sure sounds sweet, right?

Well yes it is... just as long as you manage to avoid the polar bears, the hostile gun-toting locals that have mysteriously always been there and of course the lethal black smoke monster. Another thing you might want to consider is the strange electro-magnetic power of the island, and take great care that it doesn't suck you into an ever changing time warp, before depositing you 30 years in the past.

Never fear, you can always leave the island whenever you want though right? Well, it's not as easy as it sounds as the electro magnetism can play havoc with your navigation instruments.

But don't worry, whilst you're on said remote island, you won't be short of places to visit and explore, be it the various monitoring stations scattered across numerous different parts of the island (and even one underwater installation!), a crashed drug smugglers biplane, a secret submarine moored at the secret docks, a hundreds of years old galleon marooned inland and the inside of a three-toed gigantic foot of a statue, the remains of which you can try to decide what happened to yourself.

There are numerous accomodation possibilites for your choosing throughout the island, be it camping on the beach or further inland at a set of caves, or for the more luxurious stay, at a long-abandoned village, with all the modern conveniences that one would expect.

As an additional bonus, if you become tired of exploring all that this island has to offer, there is even a second island that you can venture to examine the prisoner cages and surgery.

Yes life on a remote island is nothing if it isn't exciting. For further details please refer to the TV show Lost.

Or if that sounds too strenuous for you, you may prefer Desperate Housewives.

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