Wednesday, July 14, 2010


They're a funny thing aren't they, sterotypes. Looking at someone or something and immediately jumping to a conclusion about them or it. What is it about us that makes us do it? Take the picture for example - where would you say this guy is from? France, right? Why? Do all people in France go around wearing berets, stripy shirts, neck scarves, bushy mustaches and drinking wine? Notice I didn't add smelling of onions. Answer: no.
Do all Germans wear lederhosens, a feather in their cap and tankard of beer in hand? Again, no.
The Irish - do they all have ginger hair, dress in green, sport shamrocks and drink guiness? Unlikely.
Are all Americans loud, obnoxious, burger-eating fatties? Well...
Another one if you see a caucasian female sporting armpit hair, where is she from? France right? If she is Asian where is she from? China. How do we know this? Or at least what makes us think we do?
Here's another, are all blondes dumb? Doubtful, otherwise that would lower the IQ of the whole of Sweden. Or would it? Is everyone in Sweden blonde? I wouldn't bet on it.
It's also curious as to how our perception of things change depending on where we see them. Superhero comics and movies are one of the most popular forms of media out there. We look at the likes of Batman, Superman and Spider-man and think, "Wow, cool! I wish that was me!" Really though, do you? If you actually saw someone running around in the batsuit, what would you think? "Well there's a guy with no girlfriend," most probably.
Animals aren't safe from sterotypes either, all you have to do is mention some animal types and your mind conjures up some type of personality for it.
Sharks - mindless killers
Dolphins - playful and friendly
Owls - brainy
Elephants - good listeners, brilliant memory
Cats - uppity
Hippos - fat and lazy
It's the same with objects too. Taking cars for instance, Ladas and Skodas, the jokes about them are endless.
Why does a Lada/Skoda have a heated rear windscreen? To keep the driver's hands warm whilst pushing it.
What do you call a Lada/Skoda driver with a speeding ticket? A dreamer.
What do you call a Lada/Skoda with a sun roof? A skip.
What do you call a Lada/Skoda at the top of a hill? A miracle.
How do you overtake a Lada/Skoda? Run.
How do you make a policeman laugh? Tell him your Lada/Skoda just got nicked.
And what about historical figures? What does the name Bonnie Prince Charlie suggest?

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