Tuesday, July 27, 2010

17 ways to identify crazy people

Now we've all seen them, people who should be tethered securely in a straitjacket and residing in a comfortable padded cell, but yet are walking the streets freely. Here's how to pick them out:
  1. They derive pleasure from any kind of harm done by or unto themselves.
  2. They obsess over someone to the point where it gets really scary
  3. Selective hearing; You are without a doubt the most stuck-up, conceited, yet incompetent... Oh thank you, yes my hair is looking especially good today isn't it?
  4. They listen to Slipknot or other such shouty rock bands
  5. Overreacting when someone jokingly calls them crazy; DON'T YOU DARE CALL ME CRAZY!!! I'M COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY NORMAL! WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?!?!
  6. Thinking a body covered in tattoos looks hot.
  7. Thinking a body covered in piercings looks hot.
  8. That worrying wild-eyed demonic look in their eyes.
  9. A combination of talking to themselves and slowly rocking back and forth.
  10. Walking around in shorts and a T-shirt in the middle of winter.
  11. Talking complete and utter jibberish.
  12. They claim to like brussel sprouts.
  13. Talking about completely ludicrous things; "Has anyone seen my camel?" "Nice weather for this time of year on Mars, isn't it?" and so forth.
  14. They are addicted to Reality TV.
  15. They have a weird fascination with insects and creepy-crawlies.
  16. They ask for the dessert menu at a restaurant and choose a fruit salad - it's totally not the point!
  17. They make organised lists but stop at a completely random number.
... Oh wait, scratch that last one. Actually that may also be one of the signs of getting old.

1 comment:

  1. 18. They confront others outside their room demanding for unreasonable & ridiculous stuff.

    Love you xx
