Thursday, July 15, 2010

Greenhouse Effect - Rubbish

"Our planet is five billion years old, and has been changing constantly all during that time. The Earth is now on its third atmosphere... Our atmosphere is as violent as the land beneath it. At any moment there are one thousand five hundred electrical storms across the planet. Eleven lightning bolts strike the earth each second. A tornado tears across the surface every six hours. And every four days a giant cyclonic storm, hundreds of miles in diameter, spins over the ocean and wreaks havoc on the land.
The nasty little apes that call themselves human beings can do nothing except run and hide. For these same apes to imagine they can stabilize this atmosphere is arrogant."
- Michael Crichton, State of Fear 2005
There is little evidence to suggest man is responsible for global warming, moreover it is more likely to be caused by solar activity such as eruptions on the sun's surface. After World War II despite a huge increase in the numbers of cars on roads and therefore an huge increase in carbon dioxide emissions, global temperatures decreased for four decades!
What annoys me is these narrow minded idiots that believe that the Earth should maintain a constant temperature. Clearly these are the same people that never paid attention in science class because they were too busy complaining that they didn't see why they had to study science in the first place - they were destined to be models, actresses or rock stars.
The earth is always changing, in the time of the dinosaurs, all continents were joined together. Dinosaurs were killed off when a meteor crashed and blocked out the sun. It used to be a lot hotter then too. Then came the ice age. What ended that? Too many cavemen making fires to keep warm? There was also a mini ice age again in the 1600s, did man cause that one too?
What I find highly amusing is that all these enviro-loonies are running round saying that humans need to save Mother Nature, when really it is her that decides our fate. If it wanted to Nature could obliterate us just as easily as it did the dinosaurs. Sure humans could have a good go by launching their nukes at one another and sure it might kill us all of and render the planet inhospitable - to us. But the environment was completely changed when the meteor crashed 65 million years ago and lo and behold life carried on. If that meteor hadn't crashed then it would be unlikely that conditions would ever have been right for mammals to thrive.
Sure we can make sure we keep the planet looking nice by not littering everywhere and recycling, just like you want to keep your home clean and tidy while you live in it. But the idea of people being able to literally destroy the planet is as ludicrous as a man tearing down the house he lives in with nothing more than his bare hands.
Seriously these enviro-nutcases must have been watching too many episodes of Captain Planet or something.

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