Monday, July 19, 2010

Random and slightly pointless thoughts: Disgusting sounding food names

You know you really do have to wonder at the reasoning behind names sometimes. Let's take foods as an example, some really need a better PR agent. Make no bones about it there are some foods that are gross, look gross and even their name doesn't do them any favours.
Can you imagine going into a restaurant, looking at the menu and thinking, "Hmm... well the lasagna looks good, as does the steak and the ribs... but there's just no beating a good plateful of tripe!" It almost sounds like you're ordering a plateful of shite!
The same can be said of haggis - "Ooh, yum! One sheep's stomach please, and if you could fill it with a whole load of foul tasting minced up garbage too that would be great!" And as for Spam... the mere sound of that sounds processed to within an inch of it's life, then going that last inch just for the fun of it. I mean is it ham? Which bit of the pig does the 'sp' bit come from? The spleen?
Another one - Sloppy Joe's. I don't even know what that is but am farely confident I never want to find out.
Of course the hands-down winner of the Worst Food Names Ever Award must surely go to gruel. I know this dish existed more in the 19th Century workhouses, but come on - surely they could have come up with a more tantalising name for a bowl of unrecognisable, grey slop with about the same nutritional value as wadded paper. Workhouse Surprise maybe? Worker's Delight? Or just something like 'loveliness'? Who wouldn't look forward to that at the end of endless hours in the factory - A bowl of lovliness?
I rest my case.
Of course there are certain foods that sound gross from the ingredients but the name disguises this fact. If you were to see fried pig's blood on a menu, would you order it? No. But you see Black Pudding then it's a different story, it almost sounds like you're having a dessert and so you're fooled into thinking, "Wow this tastes really nice!"

1 comment:

  1. Wow - black pudding. Why am I not surprised, me fella?

    <3 u xx
