Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Eat a cow; Save the world

Flatulence is one of the grossest traits known to man. How many times have you been on a crowded train, or in a lift and some one drops an ass belch? Of course there are varying types of trouser tornadoes and a scale merging the two main extremes, i.e. the comical rip-roarer which embarrasses the deliverer no end, usually resulting in them vacating the premises at the earliest convenience. And then there is the dreaded Silent-but-Deadly, whereby the culprit can drop their chemical weapon and then pretend it was someone else, all-the-while everyone around them is slowly suffocating on the noxious fumes.
However flatulence is not exclusive to humans. If you have a pet then the likelhood is that at somepoint they've dropped one in your presence, and good God do they stink! Which brings me onto other animals, particularly one of the most common groups of animals on the planet thanks to farming: livestock. The bowel movements of livestock is so foul that not only is it hazardous to those stood downwind of them, but it is actually harmful to the planet itself.
It has been proven that the polution cause in building a Toyota Prius is actually more than the emissions any other car makes in its lifespan, yet the Greenies and Vegetarians of the world still keep telling people to buy them. Well in the case of livestock, the Vegetarians are actually causing yet more damage to the planet.
Livestock is responsible for 18% of the greenhouse gases that cause Global Warming, more than cars, planes and all other forms of transport combined. Not only that they are also releasing more than 100 other types of noxious gases, including two-thirds of the world's ammonia emissions which causes acid rain. Add to this that cows soak up a staggering 990 litres of water to produce just one measly litre of milk.
So the next time one of these preaching veggies strolls over to you in their recycled clothes and hemp shoes, condemning you for eating meat you reply, "I eat because I care."
Hmm... didn't Plato or somebody say something similar?

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