Tuesday, July 27, 2010

10 most scary thoughts

... and I'm not just talking about being subjected to the rantings of Scary Spice!

  1. Death. It's coming. It's inevitable. Wow what a depressing thought.
  2. Getting old. (see above)
  3. Losing your sight or hearing - what's worse living in a world of eternal darkness or piercing silence?
  4. Living life alone. How meaningless would that be? The whole point of life is to fall in love and share your life with someone.
  5. Having nothing to eat for the rest of your life except brussel sprouts. Their gross end of story.
  6. Being forced to sit through endless hours of Reality TV for the rest of your life. Hmm... Suddenly No.1 doesn't seem as scary.
  7. Being stuck in a crowded lift with a bunch of fat, smelly, sweaty, flatulent people... in which case No.3's not sounding so bad... I'd even throw in my 3 remaining senses!
  8. Waking up one morning to find you've turned suddenly obese... gym anyone?
  9. James Blunt singing the National Anthem.
  10. A world without chocolate.
Hmm... it's funny some of those you might argue belong more on a list of the 10 most disgusting things.

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