Monday, July 26, 2010

Ranting and Complaining: Body Odour

What is it with some people?
Ok now everyone sweats at some point, that can't be helped it's just the body's natural cooling system. Although some people do sweat an excessive amount, and are completely inconsiderate of those around them whilst doing so. I can't count the times I've been in a club, at a concert or in some other crowded venue where there's some creature from the sweat lagoon that's just crawled onto land and now insists on invading the personal space of as many people as possible, to the point where they're actually leaning up against you and you can feel the sweat leaving their body and seeping through your clothes... gross.
But is that worse than those people who just plain stink and insist on invading your personal space? Hmm... tough choice.
You know the ones I mean, the people that seem to have little or no concept of hygiene. They say you can't smell your own scent. Rubbish. The only way these people couldn't smell their own stink is if they go one better than old Van Gogh and cut off their nose. While they're at it they'd best rip out their tongues too as scent and taste glands work in unison and some people stink so bad it leaves a bad taste in your mouth.
I don't understand it. I mean the last time I checked this was the 21st Century and in the last hundred years or so there have been certain inventions made that help combat body odour. Anti-perspirant? Deodorant? Collogne? Perfume? After-shave?... Soap?
It's one of those revolting things when someone gets on a train and stands beside you and their stench is so revolting that it could make flowers wilt, that is equal to farting in a crowded place - that stinks, they stink what's the difference? It's acceptable to ask people not to smoke around you, so why is it frowned upon to ask them to take a shower? When someone smells so bad that it makes you want to vomit, surely that's the time for them to address their problem.

1 comment:

  1. I do so wish that there are legislations that ban smelly people from being in public places - like how durians are banned in trains.

    Or fined. :P

