Monday, July 26, 2010

10 things that make me wanna slap someone

  1. Arrogance and superiority complexes, especially when a person has got nothing to be arrogant about - are they drop-dead gorgeous? No. Are they a champion of or hold a record in something other than idiocy? No
  2. Similarly boasting - do you really think anyone really cares that you've got the newest most expensive phone going? No.
  3. Rudeness in any form. There's just no need.
  4. Cruelty to animals.
  5. Sleaziness. Enough said.
  6. Screaming at the gym like someone's having an almighty orgasm. Use a lesser weight you prat!
  7. Incompetence. If you clearly can't do what you're assigned/paid to do the for God's sake don't bother trying - let someone else who can do it do it!
  8. Slow drivers - especially slow drivers who insist on driving in the middle lane. If you can't keep to the speed of the road then GET OFF THE ROAD BEFORE YOU CAUSE AN ACCIDENT YOU IDIOT!!!!!!
  9. Attention seekers. Whether it be those that constantly seek the sympathy vote or are simply loud and obnoxious. Get a life!
  10. Reality TV contestants, obviously those on Big Brother are the hands-down winners in annoyingness, but these are closely followed by X-Factor/American Idol contestants. Then of course there's Top Model contestants, dating show contestants... the list is virtually endless. And why could almost all the contestants also feature on a top 10 worst names ever list? Is it stipulation that they have got to have some ludicrous sounding name?

1 comment:

  1. I totally, totally agree with all that you have listed. The fact that you have made up this list contributes to my '10 things I love about you' list. =)

    Luv you xx
