Thursday, August 12, 2010

10 advantages of living in a country of unrest or extreme government reign

North Korea, Zimbabwe, Iraq... are they really as bad as all that? There's more advantages to living in such a place than you think - you just have to look REALLY hard for them.
  1. You'll always feel really wealthy as the economy is absolutely dire and money is worthless, "Wow, can you believe this? I'm a kajillionaire! Today I alone I earned 386 billion dollars/francs/won/dinar!"
  2. You never have to worry about reading disturbing news in the newspaper - it's all censored.
  3. If someone really annoys you, just dob him/her into the authorities claiming they made some derogatory comment about the government - they'll be gone before you know it!
  4. Struggling to think of somewhere to go for holidays? Problem solved - free travel is banned, just stay where you already are.
  5. It's never boring - there's always someone threatening to overthrow the government/bomb the country/commit mass genocide.
  6. You'll stay slim without even trying as food is in short demand and charitable donations are withheld by the government.
  7. You'll always be in work whether you like it or not - the army and secret police are ALWAYS recruiting.
  8. Sure you might think it's nice to look at picturesque mountains and rivers and things... but bomb craters, burnt out buildings and wrecked vehicles littering the streets is where the real beauty is.
  9. No one really likes a a freedom of choice of things do they? It's nice to be told what to do, what to think, what not to say, which religion to be a part of...
  10. Crime should be dealt with extremely harshly and with no mercy, shouldn't it?
  • He stole - cut his hands off!
  • He crossed the road on a red light - send him to a forced labour camp for the rest of his life!
  • He sneezed in the presence of our grand, exalted leader - off with his head!
Of course, if you think any of this actually sounds attractive, you really should go and have your head examined! What is more of an interesting possibility is reasons to live on the moon...

1 comment:

  1. Love the entry!

    7. You would always be in work - against your will, that is. Think being thrown into labour camps at the slightest sneeze or comment about the government.

    8. It's a dream-come-true place for news reporters and journalists as they would have heaps to report on + plenty of pics to take. Plus, they don't even have to travel to do so! Down-side though, will their stories ever get published?

    9. Awesome. Takes the burden of deciding what to do next off our shoulders.

    Luv u xx
