Monday, August 16, 2010

Random and slightly pointless thoughts: Reasons to never move to a Zombie Stepford town

What's worse - A town full of insanely efficient and articulate Stepford wives, a town full of blood-thirsty zombies or... a town full of insanely efficient and articulate, blood-thirsty zombie Stepford wives?

  1. Is that crazy look in their eye because you've dropped crumbs on the carpet... or because they like the look of your neck?
  2. Arm-candy takes on a whole new meaning - literally your arm IS the candy!
  3. Everyone's always going to be really on edge - they're constantly cleaning as they keep dropping bits of their mouldy zombie corpse everywhere.
  4. Everyone will be constantly late for everything - have you any idea how much make-up it would take to make a zombie look half decent?
  5. Similarly it's gonna take a lot of body spray to get rid of that stench!
  6. If you're not a fan of cannibalistic cuisine you may really struggle to find a good meal.
  7. The water bills would be astronomical - it takes a whole lot of washing to get those soil stains out from when they crawled out of their graves!
  8. I hope you're fluent in zombie, otherwise with all those grunts, snorts and moans you'll never make yourself understood.
  9. On the upside adultery would be at an all time low - unless you're a necrophiliac - who'd want to swap one decaying corpse bride for another. On the flip side however, faced with your own decaying corpse bride, your sex drive would inevitably plummet.
  10. The terms "nice evening stroll", "graveyard" and "eaten alive" should never be used in the same sentence.
And there you have it. Don't you just love those mash-ups of names? Zombie Stepford wives. Duck-billed platypus. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles...

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