Friday, August 20, 2010

Random and slightly pointless thoughts: Foul food combinations

The king of fruits my arse! The king of the vile, disgusting, putrid, desperate-attempts-to-call-something-food more like it!

Look at it, even the appearance is unwelcoming, for one, the outside is sharp and hard and when you finally break into it, it's full of a horrid, yellow, slimy substance that strongly resembles something you might cough up when you have a bad chest cold.

So to start off a rant about foul food combinations, anything containing durian tops it off: durian puff, durian cake, durian ice-cream, etc. etc.

Once when I was living in Japan, I stopped off at a supermarket and whilst there bought myself a doughnut. Upon getting it home, I discovered a very unique filling after biting into it, not jam, not custard, not chocolate cream... but instead chicken curry! Now even more surprisingly it wasn't actually that bad but that brings us onto what fillings for doughnuts are just plain wrong and likely to make you revisit it whether you wish to or not:

  • Tripe
  • Spam
  • Liver and onions
  • Minced heart
  • Pork tongue
  • Chicken gizzards
  • ...basically a whole range of other disgusting meat products
  • Mashed sprouts
  • Baked beans
  • Broccoli and Cauliflower
  • Boiled celery
  • ...the list goes on
And then there's ice cream, basically combining savoury with sweet is pretty much always going to be a disaster, imagine ice-cream with these flavours:

  • oyster
  • smoked haddock
  • sardine
  • pickled onion
  • parsley
  • gherkin
  • bollognese
  • tikka masala
  • and so on...
Ok disgusting thoughts over... what would be the most delicious food combinations?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for making me throw up a little in my mouth as I was reading this, me fella. :)

    Luv u xx
