Saturday, June 19, 2010

Travel Observations

As with all other walks of life, you meet many different types of people whilst travelling, some annoying as hell, others the salt of the earth. Of course too much salt is bad for your health.

The Travel Snob

The one's that are travelling for months at a time and look down their nose with an air of superiority at anyone who isn't doing the same. Two weeks? "Oh well I'm travelling for a year." Oh well I prefer actually being able to afford to do things I like on holiday other than hanging out at some shitty hostel, doing the most menial jobs imaginable to make ends meet.

The Escapees

There's something they're escaping from and generally a few drinks and it all comes spilling out. And generally you are subjected to hearing it whether you want to or not.

The Loudmouth Scumbag

This is Asia you moron. If all you want to do is get pissed, laid and hungover try Benidorm. It's closer to home.

The Know-it-all

Similar to the travl snob but somehow these guys know the ins and outs of absolutely every topic of conversation ever, as well the world's problems and solutions, details of every country on earth... the list continues. Most of the time however, its clear they simply make it up.

The Drop-out

They were a drop-out in their own country milking the economy dry, and now they're a drop-out in someone else's country doing exactly the same thing.

The Weirdo

Generally found on their own isolated from everyone else. The reason usually being that they have absolutely no personality whatsoever.

The Nationalist

Really, if your own country is as good as you are constantly making it out to be, why did you ever leave it?

The Oldies

Why on earth is there always a random old person in hostels. It's just creepy. Don't they have anyplace better to be? And why do old couples come to hostels? Maybe they've got to the point in their relationship where they just have nothing else left to say to each other. Sad really.

The Nice Ones

Sometimes a rare find but they do exist. People who have no hidden agendas. They're just there on holiday. They just want to explore a new country and then return to living a normal life. They don't fight to stretch it out as long as possible. They don't fear the idea of settling down. They don't resent people who are travelling longer than they are and pity the ones who aren't travelling for as long. What they are is just nice genuine people. They are out there. Honest.

1 comment:

  1. I would put you in the category of....The Escapees?

    Just kidding - you belong to The Nice Ones Club and you know it.

    Nice to have you back home soon. Darling. :D

