Friday, June 4, 2010

Random and slightly pointless thoughts: Shoehorns

The incompetence and overall laziness and stupidity of people never fails to amaze me.

People have been wearing shoes ever since cavemen got fed up of stepping on thorns and the like and decided to do something about it. In other words this is something people have been doing for thousands of years. Skip forward to more modern times and suddenly this incredibly complex skill of putting on your shoes suddenly becomes so complex that some people need help in doing it.
So someone invents the shoehorn.
Here's a better idea; untie the laces. Who are these people that believe the oinly way to put shoes on is with a shoehorn? What using your hands is beneath you? My guess is that these are the same people that choose to ride about in one of those motorised walkers, not because of the fact that they can't use their legs, instead because of the fact that they're too bone-bloody-idle to do so. Why not just connect yourself to an iron-lung and be done with it?
In my book the shoehorn is about as useful as the rabbit phone.

1 comment:

  1. How would you like me to get you a shoehorn for Christmas? :)

    <3 U xx
