Thursday, June 3, 2010

Random and slightly pointless thoughts: Slugs - What's the point?

Slugs. Is there really any point to them whatsoever? That might sound a little harsh but basically they're nothing but a pest that leave that slimy gloppy shit everywhere.
The damned things don't even own their own homes! At least snails can say that they do. So slugs are forced to mooch off of others.
Case-in-point: years ago after I finished university I went back to live with my parents for a while. They had just moved house and had big remodelling plans. Unfortunately before the plans were carried out we had to live in the house in the state it was. I had one of the biggest rooms which wasn't so bad, but unfortunately it was an added-on extension and not a very good one; it was cold and damp, which meant it was perfect for the slimy little buggers that are the focus of this here rant. It's indescribably gross to walk into your room or to wake up in the morning and find slug trails glistening on the carpet. To make matters worse I couldn't figure out how the rotten little blighters were getting in, which probably meant they were already in and just came out to hold the slug Grand Prix at night.
Some other invertebrates are friends of gardeners right? Because they eat some of the other gross bugs? Not slugs, they're vegetarians aren't they?
Back at uni a couple of years later for a different course I was once again living in a cold, dank, damp house (yeah, I know what you're thinking - choose your accomodation more wisely, well as a matter of fact the place looked pretty nice in summer... and well I'd left it so late I wasn't really left with much other choice... but I digress). Once again I was forced to live with a bunch of slimy unwelcome housemates (and I'm not just talking about some of the human residents that lived there for a time). Getting up before the sun at stupid o'clock in the morning is bad enough, it's worse when the heatings crap and you have to make a mad dash to the shower to throw some warmth on yourself, the worseness multiples further when, on said mad dash, you have to dance and pirouette through a maze of slug trails to get to the shower. The fun didn't end there. There were times when washing the dishes at the sink a slug would ooze out of the overflow pipe! And yes, I did say times - plural! And every bloody time it was one of those huge ones. You know the type - the ones that look like living globs of turd.
Is there anyone whatsoever that actually has a fondness or affinity for slugs? If so then said person needs to have his head examined. I don't care what type of slug it is; the tiny but fat grey ones you find under rocks, the long thin anorexic-looking ones or the huge obese turd-like ones, they're all gross. And it begs the question; what's the point?
The same might be asked of the Reliant Robin Three-Wheel Car.

1 comment:

  1. There once lived a garden slug
    Who called himself Beetle Bug
    He confused everyone with his name
    And quite enjoyed this little game
    Until one day he was eaten by a pudgy pug.

    <3 U xx
