Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Random and slightly pointless thoughts: Baked Beans

What is a baked bean? Can anyone actually name the plant they come from?
Of course because of the 'bean' part of the name I'm assuming they are grown and not manufactured in some factory or science lab somewhere . Although I don't even know this for sure. As you may of guessed I have done no research whatsoever for this rant.
It is recommended that you eat 5 portions of fruit and vegetables per day. Did you know that baked beans can be considered as one portion? (provided you eat enough of course, I don't think one single, solitary bean will somehow do it)
Another thing; beans are vegetables right? So why does the song go 'beans, beans the musical FRUIT'? Ok, I understand how tomatoes could be considered a fruit... well I don't actually. I don't know what it is that defines a fruit and a vegetable (as I said - no research). But beans are definitely vegetables aren't they?
Oh how confused and disillusioned I have become. My whole world has been turned upside down. How ever will I sleep tonight?
Probably by thinking back over this rather random and pointless rant.


  1. Let me enlighten thou:

    Baked beans are made from Haricot beans, and they are usually stewed and not baked.

    And the most charming quality of baked beans is "Gut Flora". Sounds intriguing? It actually just refers to flatulence. :P

    I <3 U xx
