Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More annoying things about the gym

Ok here's a few more add-ons that I've noticed/forgot to mention in the last post...

The Screamers
You know the type, and not exclusively limited to the meatheads by the way, the guys that are lifting weights that are clearly too heavy for them and are letting out a scream that is somewhere between orgasm and agony.

The Mobile Phone Users
Put down or piss off. Choose one. I've got better things to do than wait for you to finish sending an email/text or making a call. If your life is really that hectic that you can't even leave your phone in your locker, how the hell do you even make time for the gym? And why are you always sat on the machine I want to use?!

The Thieving Buggers
I just got up to get a drink! Does my towel draped over the machine mean nothing to you? What you think I left it there because I'm that stupid? It means I'm still using that machine dumb-arse!

Fitness Class Leaders
God some of these people are so irritatingly perky and happy all of the time. And so damned full of themselves. Who seriously repeats their own name three times over the PA system just to advertise there class? Oh yeah, I wasn't sold on the class itself, but now I realise who's running it... sign me up!

Pissing in the showers
This one speaks for itself.

Locker Buddies
Why is it whenever you're using your locker, everyone and his uncle that has got a locker near to you, decides that that is the precise moment they want to get into their lockers as well?

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