Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Best and worst week ever

Well what a week... after spending the week being sure that professionally my life was about as stable as the Hindenburg (I'm still not convinced), thankfully there have been much more important developments.
Personally and, moreover, romantically things are a whole other story. It almost feels like I'm living a dream where everything you've ever wanted comes true. I can't put these feelings into the words they deserve... as cliched as it may sound, it's like I'm flying without ever leaving the ground, my heart leaps at a mere thought... and melts upon sight. I don't think it's possible that two people were ever so closely and perfectly matched (without that sounding the least bit stalkerish).
Is there such a thing as fate? As soulmates? I've been convinced.
I can't believe how lucky I am.
There's always other jobs...

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