Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Best and worst week ever

Well what a week... after spending the week being sure that professionally my life was about as stable as the Hindenburg (I'm still not convinced), thankfully there have been much more important developments.
Personally and, moreover, romantically things are a whole other story. It almost feels like I'm living a dream where everything you've ever wanted comes true. I can't put these feelings into the words they deserve... as cliched as it may sound, it's like I'm flying without ever leaving the ground, my heart leaps at a mere thought... and melts upon sight. I don't think it's possible that two people were ever so closely and perfectly matched (without that sounding the least bit stalkerish).
Is there such a thing as fate? As soulmates? I've been convinced.
I can't believe how lucky I am.
There's always other jobs...

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I just don't get it!

Ok, so recently I've just returned from a holiday in Thailand. This was my third time there and once again I feel I'm left in a state of complete befuddlement. Actually in the three times I've been to Orchard Towers and Zouk, here in Singapore, I've been left similarly confused.
The root of my confusion? The ladyboys.
It's not that I have a problem with it, I'm straight and that's fine; if you want to be gay that's fine too, I'm just confused by the phenomenom. Let me be a little clearer - just who are they supposed to appeal to? Yes there is "The Ladyboys Of Bangkok" a highly successful and popular show that tours throughout the world (well maybe not so much the more conservative countries), but your average 'working at a bar, walking down the street' ladyboy...?
My understanding (and I could be wrong here) is that straight men want REAL women and gay men want men. So where do the ladyboys fit in? Especially those that have gone most of the way apart from the all important snip. Obviously there are those braindead-dumbass travellers from the West that arrive in Asia and just want to get with an Asian girl, and are initially fooled by the appearance, but then recieve a rather nasty and unexpected shock when their hands venture into the south (I saw once such incident in Zouk - funny as hell, by the way, to watch!).
Of course there are always bi-sexuals that like men and women, to them a ladyboy would be like hitting two birds with one stone... of course then that just begs the question - isn't that just a tad lazy?
Anyways I can't see that query being solved anytime soon...
One more thing though; why is it that Thailand seems to have not only the largest number of ladyboys, but also the largest ratio of ladyboys to non-... well... surgically and/or hormonally enhanced people, than anywhere else in the world?
Curiouser and curiouser...

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A bit of fun *nudge nudge wink wink*

They must have known what they were saying when they printed these... surely comic book writers are not THAT naive...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Story of my Life

Not really any explanation required for this one. No matter the situation, I have a most exceptional ability to end up scratching the back of my throat with my toes.